Saturday, December 3, 2011

For Microsoft, Black Friday is just another terrific occasion

I'm star
When we talk about Xbox 720, new hardware & better graphics came to our mind.  Just look at the recent numbers released by Microsoft. As per the company, they almost sold 1 million units (960,000) of Xbox 360s. Wooh!  And on the occasion of Black Friday, they sold 800,000 units. Their hit factory continues by selling 750,000 units of Kinect hardware as well. I am totally blown away by Microsoft’s stupendous efforts. They categorically chose different techniques of marketing plus delivered excellent gaming experience.

Now, I am imagining, where my once “Closest Buddy” stands in front of Xbox 360. To make PS3 mass- popular among American youths, they shelved its price too by $50. But sales are just normal; they never came up with exact numbers, at least in Americas. If we recall, number of analysts raised their voices against Xbox price by saying that “they should keep Xbox price lower”. Do Microsoft really need to lower Xbox 360 price? Why this question never being raised in front of Apple H.Q ? No company will going to play with their product price, till the time their “Pet” start getting ignored by loved ones. Even, if they are selling Xbox 360 for $300, its fine with the masses. At least, they see value by paying $300. 

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