Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grand Theft Auto 5 EXCLUSIVELY on Wii 2 ?

Looks like, Nintendo is in love with gamers. To make their relationship little more passionate, they launched 3DS , slashed  Wii price by $30 .  And now, they want more of you in the form of GTA 5.

According to French gaming site Gamekyo , the makers of Grand Theft Auto series are busy making GTA 5 for rumored Wii 2. As per the information, the studio had “development Kit” from some time. If all goes as planned, gamers get to see Grand Theft Auto 5 sometime in June 2012

The site also gives us a rough idea (but vital clue) about rumored Wii 2 specs. The report published in the site says that Wii2 will be more powerful than current generation Xbox 360. Obviously, Wii 2 have to be powerful than PS3 or Xbox 360, than only Nintendo can sail its ship steadily. Another interesting piece of information, we get to know from the French site is that the rumored GTA 5 will going to be a launch vehicle for rumored Wii 2. That means it’s an exclusive property for Wii2. Will Rockstar Games ditch PS3 & Xbox 360 owners trust? Well, it’s too early to give our judgment on GTA 5. But one thing is for sure, this time Nintendo is geared up with heavy hardcore titles like GTA 5 for instance. GAME INTERVAL will continue to provide you with all the necessary details about Nintendo- Rockstar Games partnership. 

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